Companion: Elder Vaitaki
Hey Mom and everyone else!! How are you doing today? That's
nice how you guys had the missionaries over. Life has been good over
here. Our week was busy sometimes and then it wasn't busy sometimes, but it
was mostly good. Recently we have been tracting in an area called Pakala, which we haven't really tracted in the past because were not
supposed to go in there I guess? As we are driving into the area there are like
signs that say that you will be prosecuted by law if you come in. So we
went in.... and no one even cared!! They have those kinda signs all over Hawaii because they don't want the tourist to visit those areas. Its really dirty down there and most of the houses are
really friggen old. Not much there, but dirt roads and old plantation
cottages they call them. The land there is owned by a two
families and they used to grow a lot of
sugar cane in Kekaha and stuff. Kekaha has a really old
mill that they used for the sugar cane. Kekaha was originally a camp where
the people who lived there worked in the sugar cane fields. So Pakala is just one of those old camp places that hasn't been owned by a
hurricane or something. There's a lots of Filipinos that live there. We
talked to the crazy guy over there named "R". We come up to
his gate and we usually yell something towards the house if there is a gate. We yell and a kid answers the door. Then he gets his Grandpa. He sees us
and my first impression was that he was Santa Claus or something. He
tells us to come over to his porch and that hes gonna get a shirt on
then talk to us. Man this guys was pretty nice but he was also pretty crazy. He
liked to swear a lot at the government. He told us how he got drunk one
day and fell in this bush by his house and then he takes us on a tour to show us
the indention in the bush where we fell over drunk and slept. He told us
that he wanted to go to every single church on the island before he is
dead. He went to this Hawaiian church. This church is actually right
next to where we live and they sing loud during sacrament meeting on Sunday nights. They also have band practice on Tuesday nights and they sing and stuff again on Thursday
nights. They can sing pretty loud. Anyway, but "R" said that he went to that
church and some lady told him that he was going to be a prophet. He was sure crazy, but he's actually pretty nice too. We gave him a Book of Mormon and he said, "Yea I'll read this book but I'm not
gonna change!"
I think our most busy day was Wednesday. We had like 7 lessons that day it was pretty nice. Our investigator Kam'lin is super nice. She's getting baptized soon.
We went hiking this morning, I think it was called the Kukui trail. I thought it was gonna be a short hike, but man it was long. My body is hurt. Yea saw some goats and we were trying to find a wild pig! I think that where doing a slip and slide today too.
It has been really kinda cloudy over here lately. The ocean is pretty close to our house so we get to see the waves everyday and the waves were getting really huge! Some people were surfing on them and stuff. I think someone told us that they were getting like 40 ft high.
Mom, I'll try to sent the pants soon. I sometimes struggle to make time for stuff like that. Yeah the year mark is nice, but I really actually haven't even been counting that much how long I've been out. Just trying to keep focused. The camel is pretty nice too.
I don't have that much time man. So I included pictures of a fish I caught, a dirt road in Pakala and one of us hiking. I love you guys and I hope you guys have a good week!!
Love, Elder Shoemaker