Area: Hilo, Keaukaha Area
Companion: Elder Griffiths
Aloha family hows it going!? Things have been going pretty good, except
for the part where my bike continues to get jacked up. Elder Griffiths back
got a flat tire one of these days. Then I got a flat tire after him. I
was trying to fix it when the tire exploded as I was filling up the
tire I had just fixed. Then I had to wait for the zone leaders to come
pick us up because we do not have a car. We get to Walmart, got home, then
realized we had the wrong size for the tube. I had to wait for the
zone leaders to come again to give us a ride to get another new tube. Then we
figured out that it was actually the tire or maybe it was the
spokes or something cuz before me and "
G Money" (my nickname for Elder Griffiths) were
kinda goofing around and he ran straight into the problem. So I try to
salvage some parts from a rusty bike that was behind our pad. Then I get
it to work, thank goodness, because we had to be some where at
4 PM.
So we start cruising along get to the house, teach the family, then in
the middle of the lesson I hear this psssssssshhhhhhhhhh PaKow! Elder Griffiths and I look at each other and just smile. After we walk over
to Bishops house and he calls a member and we throw our
piece of crap
bikes in the back and just cruise on home. I lost faith in fixing my
bike kinda after that. I think I'm just gonna take it to the bike shop and
have a professional bike guy fix it. But it sucks because its not even my bike, because the
bike will stay here after I'm gone. We can't take the bikes from island to
island. We've been relying on other people lately to give us rides and take
us places and all that junk. Basically every lesson we had for this week
cancelled as well so this week could have definitely been better!
think that we might finally have an investigator that could go some
where. His name is "T". He has been in and out of jail and
prison his entire life, until recently he wants to change his life.
Like a week ago we visited him and his leg was in a cast and he was
using crutches. He told us that he broke his leg while he was surfing
and that the pain was pretty bad. We didn't want to push him so we told
him to get some rest and we would come around again. We came the other
day and he let us teach him and our ward missionary came with us -- Uncle J.J. We
taught him in his garage (which is basically an outside living room to
everyone here). It was pretty cool and he is a really good guy. He has a
bunch of cars around his house that people pay him to fix. One thing
about Hawaii is that there can be like 6 cars in front of a persons home and there will still be no one there. The dogs think
they own Keaukaha. If your driving down the road and there is a a dog
sitting in the road, the dog wont move. You have to drive off the road
to get around them. But anyways! I kinda got off on a tangent. After
the lesson with "T" we gave him a blessing, it was a really cool
experience and now just got to get him to church.
When we were out tracting we found this
navy seal guy that let us talk with him and he said that he had killed like
countless people. He said the only reason why he was so close to God
was because of all the bad that he had done. It helped him to become closer to God
as he saw how bad it can be and how good it can be with the gospel. Really
cool guy, likes talking "story," but wasn't interested in learning more
about our church because he had already taken the missionary lessons
This morning for P-day we woke up at
and were treated to a tour that had been paid for by a member of the
Kilauea ward. We got to go see some lava flow baby!!! It was pretty
sweet. The lava is so hot and there is so much lava rock that you have
to walk on it to get there. Lava rock is of the devil! But its cool
cuz you can poke the lava with a stick and the stick like explodes with
flames. Then after we got to see where the ocean and the lava flow
meet. Its a pretty good view. It was a nice refreshing walk. Lava rock
is unstable though.... its so brittle.
We made a bet with the Kilauea
sisters that they couldn't handle bikes for a week. So all of
we had a was pretty funny as the sisters couldn't hack it.
Transfers are coming up pretty soon, but I don't think I will be
transferred because I'm training Griffiths still. However, there will be
change in the Zone, I just learned that my trainer Elder Niemann will be
coming here. He's taking Elder Halls place as Zone leader and will be
in the ward. So that should be cool seeing him again! Our numbers were
not that good this week, but you know.... its ok.
I'm able to write a lot today because Elder Griffiths brought this keyboard thing that you
can type and just upload it to your email, so I'm trying that out. I cant
really think of anything else that happen this week , so thank you guys
for everything that you do! Love you guys!
Elder Tanner Shoemaker
Elder Shoe and "G Money" or Elder Griffiths |