Area: Honolulu, Oahu
Companion: Elder Ewar
Aloha everyone!!! So this last week has been pretty nice. So first off I
think I need to correct the car thing....the mission gave us a car
not our investigators, sorry for the confusion.
Yesterday was Stake Conference and that was
pretty nice, Elder Dacosta of the Seventy came down. Most of the talks
where on missionary work, just like the talks for the past year have been!! Surprise! haha.
Grandma asked what KPT was? It stands for
Kuhio Park Terrace, I'm pretty sure. Its two 17 floor buildings that
have a whole bunch of Chuukese, Marshalese and Samoans that live there. Yea
most of the place smells like pee and its basically for the more poor
people. There are kids running around there all the time. Actually most
of our investigators right now are kids, because the adults don't want to
friggen listen.
We are making process with our investigators. Right now there is Zashalynn who is 9 years old, she'll probably
get baptized. Then the other week we received a referral from a ward
family at dinner time. We went over there the other day and the Mom was
like yea I think I should have my son baptized.... so where like
shoots yeah! His name is Ayden. The Mom is less active and the Dad is a non-member. They are from Kentucky so they have a southern accent. Then just yesterday Elder Ewar and I went to a family that we had met trackting. They were actually
members, but for some reason there membership record hadn't been taken over to the new ward, so
they weren't on the ward list or anything. We decided to go back
yesterday and the mom said that she wanted her two kids to be baptized
as well, so where like
dang yeah! Those were probably the most important
parts of my week.
P-days over here kinda suck, because we have to
stay in our zone. Our zone is Honolulu West and most call it "HonWest" for short. There's not really a whole lot to do over here. We're not aloud
to go into Honolulu because its not part of our zone. So most of the
time I just play with my Kendama (a catch game). We have quite a mix of races in our ward. It's way cool. I'm learning lots about the cultures. Many of members in KPT are Chuukese, Marshalese or Samoan. Most of them are less active and it think the
biggest problem is that church is at 9:00am and Micronesians like to sleep. They seriously just sleep all the time. This area was recently white
washed too so the ward list pretty much sucks and so does the area book. We are working on making it better. Well, I have
to go.... so I love you guys and I'll be seeing you later.
Love Elder Shoemaker
My new companion! |