Friday, November 2, 2012


On October 3rd, 2012 my son, Tanner, received his LDS mission call to the 
Honolulu Hawaii Mission.   
The mission boundaries includes all of the Hawaiian islands plus Midway Island and Johnston Atoll.


He reports to the MTC on January 16, 2013.  
We are so THRILLED and couldn't be more excited for Tanner.  
It is absolutely the PERFECT place for him. 

Although Tanner with his silent silly quirky personality and a smile that just keeps on giving, he never hesitated or delayed his decision to serve a mission. He has lived his life so that he would always be worthy to serve.  He will be a great example to his family, extended family, friends and those he has yet to meet!

This is a record of Tanner's courageous journey in serving the people of Hawaii!


  1. WHAT A FUN BLOG!! its so cheery and fun and exciting!! :) -Tisty

  2. Love the new Tanner blog!!HANG LOOSE!
    It just feels *island-y*. :)
    YAY! more bragging rights for the grandparents!!
    people will start avoiding us...they know we'll brag about our missionary grandsons!
    Good job, missionary mom Keri. (you'll have to hire out soon for missionary blogs..) :)
